French pronunciation

What if you could take your pronunciation challenges out of the equation?

You've spent years learning French and you dream of...

  • Being easily understood
  • Effortlessly conveying your message
  • Speaking French confidently in meetings
  • Engaging in smoother French conversations
  • Receiving compliments from clients, colleagues, and friends on your French accent 😊
Learn French pronunciation
« 🎯 Isabelle achieved the impossible: she taught me how to pronounce French properly! […]
In just a couple of months, my pronunciation has significantly improved and has been noticed (and complimented) by my French coworkers. »
– Margarita, Spanish speaker

Online Individual and Small Group Classes

Trained in phonetics, music and linguistics, my approach to pronunciation correction takes into consideration:

  • The phonetic differences in your native language
  • Your unique connection to French
  • The musicality of the language
  • Your goals and needs

All in a friendly and professional manner.

It takes place online, yet it’s 100% human 😊.

Want to know more? 

« ⭐ Isabelle’s teaching style is warm, relaxed, and informal. She makes each session enjoyable and never patronizes. I highly recommend her. »
– Stephen, US English speaker
« 🎵 J’ai adoré sa méthode qui utilise le chant pour rendre le phrasé plus léger – maintenant, les Français:es m’écoutent et me comprennent plus facilement 😉. »
– Andrea, German speaker.

Pronunciation coaching is the key to fluency and clarity

  • We start by training your speech muscles for French.
  • We focus on unfamiliar sounds, enhancing your ability to:
  1. hear,
  2. distinguish,
  3. and pronounce them better.
  • We draw comparisons with your native language.
  • I guide you through French sounds, rhythms and intonations with an expert ear.
music note with French flag
« 🎭 Isabelle went above and beyond tailoring every lesson to my interests and passions, always provided context to the “language”, making learning very interesting and alive.
Every session was captivating and enriching. This helped me not only improve my French pronunciation, but also build confidence when speaking French and immerse into French culture, history, and art.
I always appreciated the way Isabelle was providing feedback and her ability to mix traditional teaching methods with innovative and interactive techniques and tools. »
– Olga, Romanian speaker.

Do you need a guide to:
  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Define your step-by-step plan
  • Prioritize areas of pronunciation to address
  • Curate and create fun and effective exercises
  • Help you (re)connect emotionally with French
  • Organise an enjoyable and supportive journey into French pronunciation?

Does this sound like something that you’d like to try?

Check out my other website and blog dedicated to French pronunciation (in French).

About Me

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2023 Isabelle Cottenet. All rights reserved.