Secure your translations

English & German into French

Do you need help with your French content?

Use actionable French translations
  • Are you a busy Regional Sales Manager looking to branch out into the French market?
  • Are you a Public Relations and Communication Manager who lacks the time to translate assets created by your US or UK-based headquarters?
  • Are you a Content Marketing Manager in a cyber security start-up who needs quality translations for your French website or corporate blog?

Let’s talk about your needs and work out the ideal solution for your marketing and technical content in French.

Who am I?
Isabelle Cottenet,
your French marketing translator

  • 18+ years as a freelance translator
  • 10 years collaboration with a leading CA
  • 10+ years corporate experience
    Sales assistant | EU consultant
    PA to the CEO of a security appliance start-up
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
    International Trade, Economics, and Marketing
    Neoma Business School, Reims
  • Master’s degree in Translation
    Minors in marketing, and international trade
    ISIT Translation School, Paris
  • Bachelor’s degree in English
    English and American Civilisation and Literature
    Catholic University, Paris
Corporate experience:
10 years
  • European project management in a consultancy firm
  • PA to the CEO in a security appliance start-up
  • Marketing & Promotion Assistant in a Tourism Agency

Freelance translation:
18 years

  • Long-term collaborations with private companies and translation agencies
  • Daily translations for a leading Certification Authority for nearly a decade

Invest in quality translation
for your tech marketing content

Engage with your clients in French

English is the lingua franca in the IT and cyber industries but France ranks only 28th in the English Proficiency Index out of 100 countries without English as a national language.

I translate and adapt your tech communication to make your message crystal clear.

Engage with your clients in French

Use actionable French translations

You choose the appropriate style when writing a data sheet, a use case, a blog post on the benefits of AI for threat detection, a press release on the latest cyberattack, or an end-user awareness training program.

My translations are tailored to support your  marketing content strategy.

Use actionable French translations
Use actionable French translations

Use actionable French translations

You choose the appropriate style when writing a data sheet, a use case, a blog post on the benefits of AI for threat detection, a press release on the latest cyberattack, or an end-user awareness training program.

My translations are tailored to support your  marketing content strategy.

Choose a translator who understands your business

Cyber security no longer concerns the IT Department alone. The upsurge in cyber-attacks throughout the world is driving the need for education and awareness on cyber security issues.

I deliver accurate translations suited to your various target audiences.

Choose a translator who understands your business

Engage with your clients with services tailored to your needs

Think global. Act local!
Strengthen your brand value
Make your campaigns relevant for the French market
Go for 100% error-free content
Optimise your existing translations
Convert your audio to text
Unlock your spoken French!

What my clients say...

« I think my French text is even better than the original as Isabelle really took care to make the text fluent and clear to understand. This really improved some parts that were less clear in English. »
Eva Katernberg, User-centric Localization Specialist
« Thank you again for your work throughout 2020. The quality of your translations makes it a lot easier for me! »
Stéphanie Gallet, EMEA Marketing Manager
Tell me about your project

Tell me about your project

I offer English and German into French translation, transcreation, adaptation and copy-editing services to help you:

  • Connect with your customers with impactful and accurate content adapted and localised for the French market
  • Boost your sales with compelling copy that has your French customers engaging with your products
  • Increase your social media conversion rates with brand campaigns that use actionable French translations
  • Make an impact with campaigns transcreated in line with your detailed brief and truly adapted to French culture
About Me

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2023 Isabelle Cottenet. All rights reserved.