
Need help translating your advertising campaign?

Transcreation - Creative translation


Otherwise known as “creative translation”, transcreation calls for a complete makeover of the content while bearing in mind:

  • your brand universe
  • your message
  • the intended emotional response of your audience

I put myself in your customer’s shoes and suggest several adaptations with back-translations and rationales to help you make the best choice.

The end result?

An attractive and convincing text that engages with your target customer in the most fluent and natural way.

FAQ: Transcreation or Translation?

What's the main difference?


Focuses on conveying the message with new words in another language, in the most idiomatic way.


Focuses on creating an emotional response, by crafting a new message targeted to the audience.

How close to the original are they?


  • Remains true to the original
  • Generally no additions or deletions from the text
  • Minor adaptations possible


  • Stays true to the message’s intention
  • Copy may be added if useful to the text
  • Extensive adaptation of cultural references
What skills do they require?


  • Linguistic skills
  • Writing skills
  • Cultural insight
  • Curiosity
  • Understanding of the industry/business


  • Linguistic skills
  • Writing skills
  • Copywriting skills
  • Creativity
  • Cultural insight
  • Curiosity
  • Understanding of the market, target audience, competition and final goal
What does your translator/transcreator need from you to do an awsome job?


  • Original text
  • Glossary
  • Reference materials


  • Original text
  • Glossary
  • Reference materials
  • Detailed creative brief
Does my content need translation or transcreation?


  • Technical
  • Informational
  • Communication
  • Marketing


  • Advertising material
  • Slogans and taglines
  • Banners
  • Headlines
How much does it cost?


  • The price is based on the number of source words, but not only! It also depends on the type of text, on the amount of research required, the readership, the purpose of the translation. This is why I will preferably give you a project price that takes all the factors into account.


  • The rate is based on an hourly fee. It is generally more expensive than translation as it requires more creativity and copywriting skills to make the transcreation as efficient as the original creative work.
About Me

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2023 Isabelle Cottenet. All rights reserved.