
Crafting your IT translations with style

Technical translations

Translating your tech and cyber content in a clear and accurate way

Technical translations for IT and cyber

In a digital world where cyber threats are skyrocketing, users and companies need to be better informed.

Translation has a key role to play in promoting a safer cyberspace.

  • Are you a busy content manager in need of French translations for your corporate blog on cyber security?
  • Are you worried that the terminology in your translations does not match what’s used in your industry?
  • Do you  need to translate your cyber safety awareness programme from English or German into French?

Whether you’re looking to sell, to inform or to educate, let me help you reach your goals with translations that speak your language.

Some of the Tech topics I work on

  • Data Protection
  • Identity Management
  • Digital Certificates and Signatures
  • Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs)
  • Cyber criminality
  • Cyber attacks
  • Cyber safety
  • Blockchain
  • OT Cyber security
  • Quantum Computing
  • Electronic IDentification Authentication and trust Services (eIDAS)
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Payment Services Directive (PDS2)

Marketing and corporate communication translation

Making your French customers tick so that they engage with your product or service.

A translation can be linguistically accurate, and yet entirely miss its goals. How?

  • If it is so literal that the meaning is unclear.
  • If it needs to be adapted further to sound more natural in French (splitting long sentences, adding logical connectors).
  • If it contains references (sports, films, celebrities) which are not relevant to your audience.

A translator does not translate words, but ideas and concepts. Let me adapt your content to help you connect with your French audience.

Marketing and corporate communication translation

Do you operate in these industries and business functions?

About Me

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2023 Isabelle Cottenet. All rights reserved.